Technical support
About the product "Disig Enterprise Signer"

Disig Enterprise Signer provides controlled remote document exchange for the purpose of document authorization (signing) by electronic signature. This process can take place within one company, or even between two or more entities.

The Disig Enterprise Signer system uses the Disig Web Signer application for documents signing, which is in full compliance with the valid legislation of the Slovak Republic concerning electronic signing as well as with the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (eIDAS).

I have a problem, I need help

Before contacting the technical support, we recommend you to read the information published in the Guides that may be useful if you are unable to deal with the situation when using the portal's functionalities.

User Guide - Disig Enterprise Signer
How to sign a received document?
  1. Click on the link in the email you received
  2. A form will be displayed with information about the document that is the subject of the signing process
  3. To sign the document, please use the "Complete" button
  4. To place or edit a visual signature in the document preview use the "Add a visual signature" button
  5. If signing with a qualified electronic certificate is required, please connect a qualified electronic device to your computer
  6. Use the "Sign" button to sign the document
  7. Check the displayed document in the "Disig Web Signer" signing application and sign it by pressing the "Sign" button
  8. Select the storage / device and the relevant certificate with which the document will be signed and confirm your selection by pressing the "OK" button
  9. If necessary, enter the PIN and confirm it by pressing the "OK" button
  10. Press the "OK" button to confirm the information about the successful document signing
  11. The document you have signed can be found in the received documents folder

You will be informed about other activities related to its subsequent processing via notification emails.

If you have any further questions about the content of the document itself, please contact the sender of the document.